Mastering Customer Centricity

Insights from Blake Morgan on Enhancing Customer Experience

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The Customer Experience Mindset – Bridging Internal and External Excellence

In the world of modern business, differentiating through exceptional customer experience is not just a luxury but a necessity. Blake Morgan, a thought leader in the field of customer experience, elucidates this point with remarkable clarity. For nearly two decades, Blake has been championing the cause of customer centricity, emphasizing that businesses can achieve growth by making their customers’ lives easier and better. 

The Power of Customer Centricity

Blake begins by articulating the core of her philosophy: businesses thrive when they prioritize customer needs. She highlights that while this concept may seem intuitive, its practical application often proves challenging. “We all fall into this trap, even as entrepreneurs,” Blake asserts. The excitement of immediate financial gains can overshadow the necessity of long-term customer satisfaction. Consequently, many companies find themselves in a conundrum, balancing short-term demands with future goals like innovation and enhanced service delivery.

This balancing act is analogous to maintaining a household. Just as parents juggle daily responsibilities while planning for future family activities, businesses must manage current operations while envisioning where they want to be in the next two, five, or ten years. Blake’s analogy underscores a fundamental truth: successful businesses are those that can hold two opposing ideas in mind simultaneously—addressing immediate needs while nurturing future growth.

Internal Negotiations: The Key to External Success

Kwame draws attention to an often-overlooked aspect of customer service: internal negotiations. While external negotiations with customers are crucial, internal negotiations with team members are equally important. “We can utilize these negotiation skills internally as well as externally,” Kwame notes. This internal focus ensures that everyone within the organization is aligned toward a common goal—creating a customer-centric culture.

Blake concurs, emphasizing that the journey toward creating such a culture begins with listening—what she refers to as a “listening tour.” In the first 90 days of a new role, Blake advises against immediate, drastic changes. Instead, she recommends understanding the existing landscape by engaging with employees, building relationships, and identifying gaps. This approach fosters trust and builds a network of advocates within the organization, facilitating smoother implementation of customer-centric strategies.

Patience and Persistence: The Cornerstones of Change

One of the most resonant themes from Blake’s discussion is the importance of patience and persistence. Change, especially cultural change within an organization, does not happen overnight. Blake acknowledges that the road to customer centricity is fraught with challenges, including resistance from long-tenured employees and entrenched organizational practices.

The essence of successful internal negotiations, therefore, lies in patience and persistence. Blake uses her personal experience to illustrate this point, recounting her time at a Fortune 500 company where she faced significant obstacles in driving change. Despite the setbacks, Blake’s story is a testament to the need for resilience—a trait that is indispensable for any leader aiming to cultivate a customer experience mindset within their organization.

The Customer Experience Mindset: A Way of Life

Shifting focus from organizational strategies to personal development, Blake introduces the concept of the customer experience mindset as a way of life. This mindset begins with gratitude—recognizing the privilege of having a purpose and the ability to contribute meaningfully. She challenges individuals to honor their commitments to themselves and others, whether it’s through exercise, healthy eating, or personal growth activities.

Blake posits that fulfilling these personal commitments equips individuals with the energy and clarity needed to serve others, including customers and colleagues. Drawing an analogy from the airline safety instruction to “put the mask on yourself before helping others,” she emphasizes self-care as foundational to effective leadership.

Practical Steps to Cultivate the Mindset

To translate this mindset into actionable steps, Blake suggests a few practical strategies:

  1. Active Listening: Engage in dialogues within your organization, understanding different perspectives, and identifying areas for improvement.
  2. Building Relationships: Cultivate strong relationships with colleagues to foster a supportive network that can champion customer-centric initiatives.
  3. Continuous Learning: Stay informed about industry trends and best practices in customer experience to keep your strategies relevant and effective.
  4. Personal Discipline: Maintain personal well-being through disciplined habits like regular exercise, adequate rest, and mindfulness practices.
  5. Mindset Coaching: Develop self-awareness and mental resilience by nurturing a positive outlook and overcoming daily obstacles with a constructive attitude.

Blake’s holistic approach integrates professional and personal development, emphasizing that the customer experience mindset is not just a business strategy—it’s a comprehensive way of living and leading.

Blake Morgan’s insights illuminate the multifaceted nature of customer experience. It’s a journey that begins internally, within the individuals and the organizational culture, and extends externally to the customers. By embracing a customer experience mindset characterized by gratitude, persistence, and effective internal negotiations, businesses can not only enhance their service delivery but also achieve sustainable growth.


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